Study Group Wednesdays have started again!
Our topic this time is Women. Women in a Man’s World. Women who have been players in the Political arenas of their countries or kingdoms. Women who have made a difference. Women who have swayed history!
Our first meeting was at my place and the first presentation was on Xinran . What a start!
Xinran is an inspirational contemporary figure who has written six books on the life and experiences of the women of China. Women who lived during and after the Cultural Revolution. Who were referred to as “chopsticks” — a disposable burden. Women who form the largest pool of cheap labour in present day, and who are changing the dynamics of an ancient patriarchal society.
Mother’s Bridge of Love is a Charity set up by Xinran in 2004, which strives to mitigate the cultural differences between adoptive parents and their Chinese children and to help these children find their cultural roots and heritage.
Hat’s off to MC, who brought Xinran’s struggle vividly to life!
Looking forward to hearing more tales of courageous women, in the coming Wednesdays.
Happy Lunar New Year!