Floating on Cloud 9

Mango passion cloud This is a really easy dessert. It tastes spectacular! Looks like you have laboured over it for hours….but you can literally throw it together at the last moment. But Shh! That’s our secret. I make it with different fruit….. but Indian mangoes are currently in season. So go for it! Use a …

An Ode to Butterscotch

Oh Butterscotch, where have you been all my life? All these years, I turned my nose up at your homespun appearance and simple charm,  preferring to court your blasé city-girl cousin, Caramel! Caramel, that brittle, bittersweet beauty. Hard hearted and unforgiving! Creating huge insecurity in me due to my inexperience with sugar thermometers and such …

At the Stroke of Midnight!

This was a cake for 5 year old Anika. Anika had three requests- a pink cake, Cinderella and a “glass” slipper! This was a 61/2″, three layered chocolate cake with pink vanilla flavoured buttercream frosting. I decided to cover the sides with ruffles, and used a petal nozzle to make them. Cinderella started out with …