Some of you may have been wondering- what happened to the cupcakes I’d promised to post about? Did I forget?

Not at all!

Here they are, in a new avatar. Not just as deep and darkly satisfying cupcakes, but also Jungle animals that you can make with your kids! Or nieces ๐Ÿ˜‰

Seven lovely ladies with ages ranging from 6 to 36, joined me this morning to decorate cupcakes. And did we have fun!

We learned about colouring fondant, creating dimensions and conjuring up the cutest creatures.

Moms and daughters forged not just fondant, but also bonds with one another, designing their adorable animals. Giving them a smile or a goofy look…


Benign lions rubbing shoulders with friendly tigers!



Bashful giraffes and sleepy elephants!


Fondant, flour and four hours of fun!



  1. Looks amazing! Great post!

  2. Benign lions rubbing shoulders with friendly tigers!

    Bashful giraffes and sleepy elephants!

    Radhika you sure lead an exciting life!

  3. Hello Radhika ma’am, these look adorable. Once I am back from my little vacation, would definitely like to join such an engaging and interesting session.

  4. Radhika! Girl, I wish I was at the table too! These are adorable!

  5. Your cupcakes are wonderful! I’m sure you’re lucky participants were very pleased!

  6. Oh Radhika, What a lovely gathering. I wish I was there too. So what did you do with all the benign lions, friendly tigers, bashful giraffes and sleepy elephants? Did you have them with tea? ๐Ÿ˜›

  7. OMG Radhika, looks like you had so much fun, the cupcakes turned out dashing!! Cutest cupcakes ever!!

  8. talk about a wholesome gathering and delightful activity. all the cupcakes are adorable but the giraffe I must confess is my fave

  9. The cupcakes are beautiful. so artistic and creative and can’t forget delicious.

  10. They look brilliant, what a great morning – would have loved to have been there!

  11. Those are so much fun. Have to go with the elephant as my favourite as I’m loving the look of the eyes!

    • Thank you Johnny. I liked them all, but liked the giraffe more than the rest.
      You should try Tish Boyle’s cupcakes. You can freeze half to have later. They were good.

  12. I don’t have any nieces (bummer!) but I do have adorable nephews one of whom is old enough and interested enough in culinary activities and it’d be fun to do this with him one fine fun day. Auntie Azi’s cupcake and fondant making skills (or lack thereof) set aside!

    • Oh? I thought you’d mentioned that you had to find ways to entertain a young kid (and I assumed a niece not nephew).
      This does not require any skill in modelling. It’s all a series of geometric shapes.

      Tiger- circles for head, ears and snout. Triangles for stripes. Eyes.

      Giraffe- 2 circles for the face, one partially cut off (I used piping nozzles). 2 teardrop shaped ears, 2 horns, 2 eyes and some brown spots.

      Lion- outer circle cut with scalloped cutter. Face was a circle, rolled out to make an oval, then cut into a U. 2 small ears. 2 small circles form the snout. 3 circles form the eyes and nose. Fringe made with tiny pieces of fondant.

      Elephant- circle for face. A cone for the trunk. Two large circles for the ears, partially cut. Eyes in black, then a tiny blue circle cut in two to make the lids.

      Really easy! Have fun!

  13. Wow Radhika! these look beautiful. a zoo-ful of animals! how pretty they look! i love the giraffe especially. sounds like a fun session!

  14. Oh, my, these are too cute! Although I’m sure they’re delicious, I just wouldn’t be able to eat something so adorable… I’d probably try to freeze these cupcakes to admire them for years to come.

  15. Pingback:Things to do in the holidays: cake decorating with kids | lovinghomemade