Orange Mascarpone Parfaits in Chocolate Cups

By now you’ve probably realized that I am partial to oranges and lemons. Partial? I’m practically besotted!

If I could spray myself with orange essence instead of L’aire du Temps, I would. Cleopatra bathing herself in ass’s milk, is overrated in my opinion. Now, if she’d tried citrusy bath salts, she’d have my approval.

So it’s just natural that any opportunity I get to make an orange based dessert, I do! And what better than a fragrant, tangy, orange mascarpone parfait?

And if you want to add the oomph of Cleopatra, well, serve it in little chocolate cups!

The Oomph Factor:

400g chocolate compound, chopped
Orange oil, 5-6 drops, optional, just remember OIL not essence
6 small round bowls
Squares of foil, larger than your bowls
Baking sheet, lined with parchment

Make the chocolate cups first.
Melt the chocolate in the microwave oven in short bursts of 20 seconds each, stirring often.
Add the orange oil and stir in well.
Leave aside to come to room temperature.
In the meantime invert the bowls and cover them with the foil, smoothing it over and tucking the ends into the bowl.
Dip each bowl into the chocolate, upto the halfway mark, building 2-3 coats to strengthen the chocolate.
Shake off the excess and set the chocolate coated bowls upside down onto the lined baking sheet.
Coat again if required, then refrigerate to firm up.

The Orange Parfait:

2 packs orange jelly/ agar agar
1/2 cup orange juice
1 tub 500 g mascarpone cheese
1/4 cup sugar, or more as per taste

Make the orange parfait next.
Make up the jelly/agar agar as per the instructions, using 1/2 the water stated in the directions.
When the jelly is completely dissolved and cool, add the orange juice.
Whisk the mascarpone and sugar until smooth, then add the jelly a little at a time, beating constantly until all the liquid is incorporated. Pop in the fridge to set.





Now, if you have no guests to share this with, feel free to eat it all.

I have a confession to make. I really tried! I tried really hard, to make the cute chocolate cups….but its hot and sticky in Singapore and my many little cups just kept breaking each time I tried to get them to leave the comfort of the fridge.
So this is what I did instead…








  1. I love oranges and lemons too! There used to be a perfume I would wear called “Blood Oranges” but they don’t make it anymore! I’ve searched high and low for it! I would literally smell like an orange! Loved it! I’m sure you would’ve too! Your recipe looks delish! Happy Easter!

  2. This is right up my alley, Radhika! Chocolate and orange always pair nicely.

  3. Looks crazy chocolatey and delicious! Love it.

  4. Pingback:121/365: National Chocolate Parfait Day | Eat My Words