An Ode to Butterscotch

Oh Butterscotch, where have you been all my life? All these years, I turned my nose up at your homespun appearance and simple charm,  preferring to court your blasé city-girl cousin, Caramel! Caramel, that brittle, bittersweet beauty. Hard hearted and unforgiving! Creating huge insecurity in me due to my inexperience with sugar thermometers and such …

Yo Ho Ho, and a Bottle of Rum!

A brand new client, a carved 3-dimensional cake and non stop rain in Singapore! A three fold challenge! I started by baking two rectangular chocolate cakes, and cut and stacked them to give me the height I required. I sandwiched them with chocolate buttercream and covered the structure with buttercream. Mistake number one 🙂 Carved …